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Home > Jan's CompLit 101 > Working with Numbers > Format > Chart > Column Chart
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Jan's Working with Numbers

    Format: Chart: Column Chart

Column charts are good at showing how the data points relate to each other, instead of to the whole. It is much easier to see how each column compares to the others than it is to compare the wedges of a pie chart to each other. Plus, a column chart can compare different series of data to each other. A pie chart can only show one data series.

Example: Sheet with two charts - single series and three series

Data for Day Camp Attendance

Original data

Column chart for a single series of data

Chart of Total values. Compares totals to each other.

Sample column chart with 3 series of data plotted

Chart of range B4:D8 grouped to compare values for Day 1, Day 2, Day 3

Icon Step-by-Step 

Step-by-Step: Format Column Chart

 Icon Step-by-Step

What you will learn: to change chart type
to format chart area with background texture
to remove a chart part
to edit chart title
to format plot area (Excel 2013, 2016)
to add and edit Axis Titles
to format a column

Start with: Icon: Class disk trips14-Lastname-Firstname.xlsx (saved in previous lesson)

Change Chart Type

  1. Open trips14-Lastname-Firstname.xlsx from your Class disk in the excel project3 folder to Sheet2, if it is not still open.
  2. Icon: Class diskSave As trips15-Lastname-Firstname.xlsx in the excel project3 folder on your Class disk.
  3. Right Click Menu: Change Chart Type... (Excel 2010)Right click in a blank area of the chart and choose  Change Chart Type…  from the context menu.
    The Chart Type dialog opens.
  4. Select Column, which is Excel's default chart type, and choose the first sub-type, Clustered Column.

    Dialog: Change Chart Type > Column > first Clustered Column l (Excel 2010) Dialog: Change Chart Type > Column > first Clustered Column l (Excel 2013)

  5. Click OK.

    The chart is redrawn as a set of columns, using the default settings for this chart type.
    The changes you made are kept, like the title text, the added text box 'Week', and the data point color.

    Chart: Column type Chart: Column type (Excel 2013) Chart: Column type (Excel 2016)

    Data Point Labels: The data points are now labeled with the values they represent instead of the percentages that were in the pie chart.

    Colors: What was the 19% wedge for Week 2 is now the purple column, labeled 23. It retained the color you assigned to its pie wedge. All the other wedges are converted to the default color, which is different in Excel 2013 and in Excel 2016.

    The legend does not accomplish much since there is only one series of columns.  You will get rid of it shortly.

    You colored Week 2 differently because it had the highest number of tickets sold. That works well in a column chart, too.

  6. Icon: Class diskSave.

Chart Area: Add Texture Background

The solid white background is good for many charts, but sometimes a gradient color, pattern, or image can make your chart more attractive. You do have to be careful that the chart remains easy to read.

  1. Right Click Menu: Format Chart Area... (Excel 2013) Right Click Menu: Format Chart Area... (Excel 2010) Right click in a blank area around the chart and choose  Format Chart Area…  from the context menu.
    The Format Chart Area dialog or pane opens to its first page, Fill, with the Automatic radio button selected.

    Icon: Trouble Problem: No 'Format Chart Area' command
    You clicked on a chart part or in the Plot Area instead of a blank area around the chart.
    Solution: Right click beside the title text box but not in that text box.

  2. Icon: Experiment Experiment: Fill
    Try out other choices on the Fill page for fills. Live Preview works once you have made a selection.

    Try different solid colors, gradients, pictures, textures, and patterns.
    You can even use your own pictures as a background.

    When you are ready to continue...

  3. Click on the radio button Picture or texture fill.
    More choices appear below the radio buttons.
  4. Click on the Texture button to open its gallery.
  5. Click on Blue tissue paper on the 4th row down.
    For once the choices are the same in Excel 2007, 2010, 2013, and 2016.

    Dialog: Format Chart Area > Picture or texture fill > Blue tissue paper (Excel 2010) Pane: Format Chart Area > Picture or texture fill > Blue tissue paper (Excel 2013)

  6. Click on OK to close the dialog.

    Your chart now shows a repeating blue textured image as a background. Much prettier than a plain white background! Of course a busy or dark image could make it hard to read your chart.

    Column Chart with Blue tissue paper background Column Chart with Blue tissue paper background

    In Excel 2007 and 2010 the Plot Area still has a white background. But Excel 2013 and 2016 change the Plot Area background to None when you apply a Chart Area fill. This lets the fill show through the Plot Area, too. Do you like this effect? Does it make the chart harder to read?

  7. Icon: Excel 2013 Icon: Excel 2016 Excel 2013, 2016: Fix Plot Area fill
    • Pane: Format Plot Area > Solid fill (Excel 2013)Click in the Plot Area (where the columns are) but not on a column or a grid line.
      The formatting pane changes to Format Plot Area.
    • Click on Solid fill.

      If necessary, change the Color to White.
      The chart gets its white background back for the Plot Area.

      Chart with textured background and white Plot Area (Excel 2013)

  8. Icon: Class diskSave.

Remove Chart Part: Legend

There are two ways to remove a chart part - Select and press the DELETE key or use a ribbon menu of formatting options and choose None.

Ribbon: Chart Tools: Layout > tab groups Labels, Axes, Background (Excel 2010)Icon: Excel 2007 Icon: Excel 2010 Excel 2007, 2010: The Chart Tools: Layout tab has buttons which open a menu of choices for formatting various parts of a chart. 'None' is the first choice on all of these buttons.

Ribbon: Chart Tools: Desigbn > Add Chart Element - list opened (Excel 2013)Icon: Excel 2013 Icon: Excel 2016 Excel 2013, 2016: The ribbon tab Chart Tools: Design has a button Add Chart Element that opens a cascading menu of chart parts. Each chart element includes the choice 'None'.

  1. If necessary, select the chart again.
  2. Icon: Experiment Experiment: Legend

    • View the choices for formatting the Legend:
      Menu of formatting choices for Legend (Excel 2010)Icon: Excel 2007 Icon: Excel 2010 Excel 2007, 2010: On the Chart Tools: Layout ribbon tab in the Labels tab group, click on the button Legend.
      A list of positions for the legend appears.
      Menu of choices for formatting Legend (Excel 2013)Icon: Excel 2013 Icon: Excel 2016 Excel 2013, 2016: On the ribbon tab Chart Tools: Design click the button Add Chart Element and hover over Legend to see the submenu.
      The icons show a sample of the legend's position.
    • Try out each one.
    • Click on More Legend Options... to open the Format Legend dialog.
    • Try out various combinations of Fill, Borders, Effects, etc.

    The current chart is not really helped by a legend at all since there is only one data series.

    When you are ready to continue...

  3. Button: Add Chart Element > Legend > None (Excel 2013)Button: Legend > None (Excel 2010)Open the menu of formatting choices again for Legend and click on None.
    The legend vanishes, but the text box Week that you added to label it remains.

    Alternate method:
    Click the legend on the chart to select it and press DELETE.
  4. Text box containing 'Week' is selected.Click on the text box containing Week to select it.  
  5. Press the DELETE key.
    The text box is gone and the plot area expands to take up the space.
  6. Column chart after removing legend and its text box labelIcon: Class diskSave.
  7. Icon: Experiment Experiment: Other chart parts
    • Try out choices for formatting chart elements from the ribbon, like Labels, Axes, and Background. You can hide or reveal any of these parts of a chart. You can format many features, including background and lines.
    • Use Undo to return your chart to its previous state or close without saving and reopen the document.

Edit Chart Title

You can edit the title and axis labels on a chart directly on the chart or in the Formula bar. Your typing will replace all of the text unless you select part of it first.

  1. Chart Title: New text shows only in the Formula bar at first Click on title of the chart, 'Number of people'.
    You want the text box selected, not the text. That way your typing will replace this text.

    The Formula bar is blank!

  2. Type  Number of Tickets Sold, which will show in the Formula Bar but the chart title does not change yet.
  3. Chart Title: new text shows in text box after you press ENTERPress the ENTER key or click out of the chart.
    Your typing will replace the existing text. The new text shows in the Formula Bar only at first. It shows in the text box after you press ENTER or click out.

    This text explains the chart better and has more appropriate capitalization.

    Alternate method: Select the title's text box and then drag inside the text box to select the text. Your typing shows directly in the box.
    This is a good method for editing text in place. If you have trouble with the selecting, you can edit in the Formula Bar.

  4. Icon: Class diskSave.

Show Axis Titles

Ribbon: Chart Tools: Layout > tab groups Labels, Axes, Background (Excel 2010)There are many parts that can be on a chart, but they may not be on the layout you picked to start with. The ribbon makes it easy to add the ones you need.

Icon: Excel 2007 Icon: Excel 2010 Excel 2007, 2010: Add Axis Titles

  1. Ribbon: Chart Tools: Layout > Labels tab group > Axis Titles > Horizontal > Below Horizontal Axis (Excel 2010) With the chart selected, on the Chart Tools: Layout ribbon tab in the Labels tab group, click on the button Axis Titles.
    A menu appears with only two choices.
  2. Hover over Primary Horizontal Axis Title to expand its submenu.
  3. Click on Title Below Axis.
    A new text box appears below the horizontal axis (the X-axis) and the chart resizes to make room for it.

    The text in the box is not helpful = Axis Title. You will change that shortly.

  4. Ribbon: Chart Tools: Layout > Axis Titles > Primary Vertical Axis Title > Rotated Title (Excel 2010)Click on the Axis Titles button again and hover over Primary Vertical Axis Title.
    The menu that opens has more choices. Look carefully at the icons. Can you tell what each choice will do?
  5. Click on Rotated Title.
    A new label appears to the left of the vertical axis (the Y-axis). Letters in the box run from the bottom to the top and are rotated compared to the rest of the chart.

    Again the chart resizes to make room for the axis title.

  6. Column Chart: added titles to each axis Icon: Class diskSave.

Icon: Excel 2013 Icon: Excel 2016 Excel 2013, 2016: Add Axis Titles

  1. Ribbon: Chart Tools: Design > Add Chart Element > Axis Titles > Primary Horizontal (Excel 2013)With the chart selected, on the ribbon tab Chart Tools: Design, click the Add Chart Element button.
  2. Hover over Axis Titles to expand the submenu.
  3. Click on Primary Horizontal.
    There are no formatting choices in the submenu.

    A text box appears centered under the horizontal axis (the X-axis). The default text is not very helpful - Axis Title.

    Did you notice that the chart resized to make room for the axis title?

  4. Column Chart: added titles to each axis (Excel 2013)Repeat the steps above but click on Primary Vertical instead.

    A text box appears at the left with text rotated to be parallel to the vertical axis (the Y-axis).

    Again the chart resized to make room for the additional text box.

    The chart now has text boxes labeling both the horizontal and the vertical axis.

  5. Icon: Class diskSave.

Edit Axis Titles 

  1. Column Chart: new text for axis titlesSince the title for the vertical axis, Y-axis, is already selected, type Tickets Sold and press ENTER.
    Your typing shows in the Formula Bar until you press ENTER. Then it replaces 'Axis Title'.
  2. Click the box for the title of the horizontal axis (X-axis) and type  Week of Special Offer 
  3. Click out of the text box to enter your change.
    The font size seems a bit small compared to the title and the size of the columns.
  4. Click on the vertical axis title.
  5. On the Home tab, click on the Increase Font Size button Button: Increase Font Size (Excel 2010) twice.
    The plot area resizes to be narrower as the title takes up more space.
  6. Click on the horizontal axis title and do the same.
    Again the plot area resizes.
  7.  Icon: Class diskSave.

Edit Sheet Tab and Print

  1. Change the name of the sheet from 'Pie Chart' to  Tickets Sold Chart 
    Hint: Right click on sheet tab and choose Rename or double-click the tab and type.)
  2. Deselect the chart by clicking off the chart.
  3. Open Print Preview.
    The preview is not in gray scale, even if the printer is set to print that way.  This makes it hard to be sure what the printed page will look like.

    Trips15 - chart in Print Preview Trips15 column chart in gray scale

  4. Icon: Class diskSave.
  5. Print Print the sheet.
    Printing in color is certainly prettier for this one.

Icon: Excel 2010 Icon: Excel 2013 Icon: Excel 2016 Excel 2010, 2013, 2016: Format Column: Pattern Fill

Are all of the bars the same shade of gray when printing in black and white? If not, is the difference clear?

You can make that purple column clearly different, even in black and white. It is a good idea to select your formatting with non-color printing in mind.

Excel 2010, 2013, and 2016 offer a particularly nice way to make the purple column different using a pattern fill.

  1. Pane: Format Data Point > Pattern fill  (Excel 2013)Dialog: Format Data Point > Pattern Fill (Excel 2010)Return to Normal view.
  2. Click on the purple column.
    The whole series of columns is selected.
  3. Click on the purple column again.
    Only the one column is now selected.
  4. Right click on the purple column,
    The Format Data Point dialog or pane opens.
  5. Open the Fill page.
  6. Click on Pattern fill.
    A palette of patterns in purple opens.
  7. Select the pattern Wide diagonal downward.
    This pattern will show clearly when printed in black and white. The patterns that have less white space will not print well with some printers
  8. Click off the chart to deselect it.
  9. Trips15 column chart in gray scale Icon: Class diskSave as trips15-pattern-Lastname-Firstname.xlsx to your excel project3 folder on your Class disk.
  10. Print Print the sheet in black and white.
    You may need to open Printer Properties to change to black and white or gray scale printing. If so, don't forget to go back and change back to color.
  11. Close the workbook.