Browser Basics:
IE Interface

Title: Jan's Illustrated Computer Literacy 101
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When you open Internet Explorer, the window that you see on your computer screen has a few new features in addition to all the standard window parts: title bar, status bar, scroll bars, menu bar, toolbar, and the maximize, minimize, and close buttons. The items on the Menu Bar and the Toolbar are different from what you see in other programs like MS Word and MS Excel.

Left click Click on each label in the image below. A short explanation of the part's function will appear in a separate window.  Or you can go straight to the explanations in a new window. You will work with each part in the Step-by-Step activities.


Left click View all of the descriptions on one page in a new window.

Titlebar Menubar Toolbar Addressbar Web Page Statusbar Links to other pages Links Internet Explorer Interface

Other programs may add other toolbars. For example, Microsoft Windows Media Player adds a Radio bar so you can listen to a radio station while browsing.

Radio toolbar by Windows Media Player

Where you are:
JegsWorks > Lessons > Web

Before you start...

Project 1: Browser Basics    ConnectingTo subtopics
    IE Interface Arrow - Subtopic open
    icon-footprintAddress & Links
        Status bar
    NavigatingTo subtopics
    PrintingTo subtopics
    SavingTo subtopics
    SearchingTo subtopics
    ExercisesTo subtopics

Project 2: HTML BasicsTo subtopics
